Regular use of Eco Ethic Septic Treatment will help keep your septic system performing well
$5 a month ($60 plus HST for a year's supply) to protect your lake and one of your largest investments: your septic system and tile bed.
Available at:
- Country Bakery
Carnarvon, Just north of the
intersection of Hwy. 35 & 118
- Northern Expressions
13588 Hwy #118, Haliburton
- Paudash Lake Marina
1320 McGillivray Rd, Bancroft
Q. Why does it work so well?
A. Eco Ethic Septic Treatment product contains a mix of beneficial bacteria and enzymes that help digest the waste in your septic tank before they plug up your tile bed and pollute your lake
Q. Don’t other products work as well?
A.This is the only product recommended by The Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners Associations (after extensive research) It is certified under Environment Canada’s Eco Logo Program
Q. How much will it cost me? The real questions you should ask yourself is how much do I value the health of my lake and how much will it cost me to replace my tile bed if it fails years earlier than it should
A.Monthly cost is $5. plus tax
Q. How much will it reduce the pollutant entering our lake?
A.See our Resources section for Eco Ethic Research and 3rd party test results
Q. Why buy it at Northern Expressions ?
A.The owners care about our lakes and donate 100% of the net proceeds to environmental work benefiting lakes in our area.