Septic Systems are the single largest polluter of our lakes.
All systems pollute, but the more efficiently your septic system operates, the less pollution goes into the environment.
Demystifying Septics from Sticks and Stones Productions on Vimeo.
Poop Talk - It's All About The Water from Sticks and Stones Productions on Vimeo.
Q. Is it true our Septics don't need added bacteria - our guts give them what they need?
A. As long as you only put human waste; no soap, grease or toilet paper down your toilet and drains that is correct. But, if like most of us, you do dishes having any grease on them, use soap & toilet paper- your system and your lake will benefit from monthly use of Eco Ethic Septic Treatment.
Septic System Basics:
A septic system functions on the principal of digestion of organic materials by bacteria.
In the septic tank enzymes break the bonds of compounds, resulting in a simple food that bacteria then metabolize, converting waste into mostly water, carbon dioxide, mineral ash and more bacteria. Clean, clear effluent then flows out of the tank and into the tile bed (leaching field) where the effluent percolates into the soil.
The more efficient the system operates the less pollution goes into the environment. The more bacteriological activity in the septic tank the better the effluent.
Questions to ask:
How do they work?
What should never go into your system?
How can I improve the effectiveness of my system?
How often should it be pumped?
What is happening with regard to inspections?
Please check out the information from the links in the menu, and visit our Septic Resources Page.