The latest report from FMZ 15 Fish Committee is now available - click the link here to download it -> CHA FMZ 15 Update October 2020.docx
May 14th, 2020 report from FMZ 15 Fish Committee - click the link here to download it -> OMNRF FMZ15 Advisory Council CHA HHOA Update May14,2020 Final.docx
Where have all the lake trout gone?
This seems to be the question that most of the property owners on lake trout lakes in Haliburton have been asking for the last few years. Trout populations on most of the lakes are noticeably reduced and those trout that are caught are usually smaller in size.
It was because of this growing concern that The Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners‘ Associations (CHA) surveyed all of the lake stewards in 2012 to ensure we had a clear picture of the situation.CHA felt that we needed to bring the representatives together in a workshop to provide a greater awareness and understanding of both the past and the future of the lake trout situation.
Visit the fish & fishing area of our Resources section for in depth presentations and information on the future of fish and fishing in Haliburton County.
Haliburton Lake Trout : Dr. John Casselman