Resource Material on Keeping our Lakes & Shorelines Healthy
- Shoreline Actions To Protect Your Lake
- Give Your Shoreline A Makeover
- Muskoka Shoreline Vegetation Buffers
- Soil Types - Every shoreline is unique. Review the film 'Beginner's Guide to Shoreline Stewardship' and read synopsis to find out what plants are most suitable and cost effective for your shoreline.
- Shoreline Restoration - presentation by Julia Sutton at the 2016 Lake Stewards Meeting
- Renaturalization Resources - a list of recognized designers, suppliers, and landscapers
- Shoreline Primer - An in-depth guide to a healthy waterfront (Cottage Life/Fisheries & Oceans Canada)
- Shoreline program gets cash infusion - Angelica Blenich, Haliburton Echo
- Shoreline Slopes - Reference material for healthy shoreline development and management.
- Native Trees, Shrubs and Plants for Shorelines - What are the best native trees, shrubs and plants for shoreline restoration? From the Haliburton County Master Gardeners this beautifully illustrated document provides a description of many common native species that will grow in Haliburton (Zone 4).
- Non-Invasive Plant Alternatives - More information on native plants that should be used in place of invasive plants.
- David Flowers Presentation on Lake Trout
- Dr. Casselman's Presentation on Lake Trout - by Janet Trull (the Haliburton Echo - 3 June 2013)
- Haliburton Lake Trout Presentation - Dr. Casselman
- Introduction to Dr Casselman - David Flowers (Fisheries Extension Biologist, MOE)
- Protecting Lake Trout
- Fishing Regulations 2016 - Zone 15 Seasons & Limits, Protect our Spawning Bass
Invasive Species
- Invasive Species Field Guide
- Invasive Species in Haliburton - brief
- Invasive Species in Haliburton - in depth
- Invasive Species List (by lake)
- Invasive Species News
- Invasive Species Watch Program - Alison Kirkpatrick OFAH
- Algal Blooms in Ontario - a presentation of CHPOA Lake Steward's Workshop (Michelle Palmer, MOE)
- Blue-Green Algae: More Info
- Blue-Green Algae at Three Mile Lake (Cottage Life Magazine)
- Blue-Green Algae & Drinking Water (MOE)
- Blue-Green Algae Info Sheet (MOE)
- Blue-Green Algae Presentation (Andrew Paterson, Dorset Environmental Science Centre, MOE)
- Lake Erie Algae Blooms
- What Algae Tells Us - A power point presentation From Andrew Paterson (MOE) presented at the 2014 CHA Lake Stewards meeting
- Calcium decline threat in Muskoka & Haliburton lakes - Dr. Norman Yan, York University
- Calcium Reading (since 2008) - from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment - September 2012)
- Importance of Calcium in our lakes - from the CHA (August 2011)
Water / Lakes
- Dissolved Oxygen Testing
- Haliburton Lake Stressors - Terry Moore
- Lake Partner Program - Intro to Lake types and water quality (Anna De Sellas, MOE)
- Managing multiple lake stressors - Dr. Norman Yan, York University
- Water 101: An Introduction to Water & Water Quality - F. Chris Jones (MOE), Gary Brown (Fleming College Environmental Technician Program), & Madison Menard(Fleming College, Ecosystem Management Program)
As a 3 part power point presentation: